Friday, 26 October 2012

How Inventory Control Can Benefit Your Business?

Any company that involves the management of a supply chain as a part of its functioning can benefit greatly from inventory control. The benefits of inventory control start right from the supply of raw material, extending  to the shipping of the final product to the customers. Along with ensuring that every stage involved in this process is carried out smoothly, inventory control also streamlines other functions of the business such as accounting, manufacture, planning etc., resulting in an overall boost in the productivity.

The benefits of inventory control for business are listed below-
  • Information on inventory level- By updating data related to the level of raw materials, new supplies, and other items, inventory control ensures that the purchase department is well-informed about the need to purchase materials at the right time. This helps in enhancing customer support in the long run. It is important to ensure that there is no imbalance in either way- less or more- to the inventory levels at which replenishment is required. 
  • Functioning of retails sales- As a retail salesman, one’s efficiency greatly relies on the accuracy of the inventory database. An efficient inventory control system ensures that the data provided by this database is not just easily accessible to the sales personnel, but also accurate, and updated in time. It is only then that the salesmen can be sure that the product they are selling to the customers is available in the inventory.
  • Accurate planning of production- A large part of production is the planning that is undertaken to determine the products that need to be manufactured on a daily basis. This is directly dependent on the information derived by inventory control, which involves the current status of the inventory, the items in stock, the expected demand, etc. 
  • Keeping a tab on scrap data- Inventory control helps to minimize wastage by providing alerts to the management when the scrap levels exceed permissible limits. 
  • Shipping and timely delivery- The final processes of shipping and delivery are also highly reliant on inventory control. Knowing the inventory counts of goods that are available for shipping helps to ensure that shipments are accurately completed. Similarly, inventory control also plays a major role in ensuring that the customers receive their orders in time. This is made possible by streamlining all the processes, including planning, manufacturing, and production. 
McLane Logistics Technology provides customized Inventory Management Software system for businesses to effectively manage their inventory functions. For more information, kindly visit them at 4001 Central Pointe Parkway, Temple, TX 76504. You can also call at 1-800-989-7568.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Managing Your Logistics As You Grow Your Business

Logistics management is central to the efficient and smooth functioning of any business. With every progress that you make in your organization, you must also ensure that you upgrade your logistics management simultaneously. Logistics starts from the very first stage of product flow, extending till the final delivery, spanning every step and process in this supply chain. The key to successful logistics lies in ensuring smooth progress at every step, by minimizing any sort of interruptions, while still being ready for unanticipated problems. The following tips guide you on how to manage the growing logistics needs of your business-
  • Lay down a fool-proof plan- The biggest challenge of a logistics manager lies in ensuring that a sturdy plan is laid down well in time, to ensure that the entire process is streamlined beforehand. With an efficient plan in place, the risk of errors and delays is reduced significantly. 
  • Have contingency plans- A common mistake made by logistics managers of expanding businesses is that of believing that they have mastered the skills of logistics management, and nothing can go wrong. As your business grows, so do its risks, and this is something that logistics managers must never overlook. It is important to have a clear perspective on the possible problems that might arise, and have a backup plan on how to tackle them. 
  • Efficient communication- At the center of any logistics management strategy is the supply chain, and it is called a “chain” for a reason. All that it takes to jeopardize the entire process is one weak link in the supply chain. It is the role of the logistics manager to ensure that every person involved in the supply chain, right from the manufacturer to the customer, is a part of the communication loop.
  • Proactive attitude- As you take on the role of managing the logistics requirements of a growing company, it becomes more important than ever to hone your managerial skills to the level where you are able to devise instant solutions in case of unforeseen circumstances. Keeping a cool head under all circumstances and remaining unflustered are benchmarks of an efficient logistics manager. 
  • Make use of logistics management software- This helps you to maintain real-time records in a transparent interface, and also to involve top-level management in the basic proceedings of logistics management.
For customized logistics management software for your business, visit McLane Logistics Technology at 4001 Central Pointe Parkway, Temple, TX 76504. You can also call them at 1-800-989-7568.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Drive Your Business Forward With Microsoft Dynamics AX

The tag of “Microsoft” stands for reliability, perfection, and satisfaction, and that's just what you get when you invest in the company's latest offering for business, the Microsoft dynamics AX software. This software gives that cutting edge to your company, no matter what your industry is. It is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution which streamlines the most critical consideration for any business- connectivity. This could be in the form of data, employees, customers, ideas, processes, or just about anything! It is designed keeping the needs of businesses of all sizes in mind, and relies on a simple, user-friendly interface that focuses on minimal learning for maximum results.

Listed below is a summary of the benefits that you can derive by applying Microsoft Dynamics AX for your business-
  • With most companies already using several Microsoft products, employees are likely to be familiar with the interface and basic layout, making it easy to adapt to the application of the software. 
  • Along with being a solution that nearly every employee and department within the organization can benefit from, it allows each user to maintain his individuality by customizing the software as per their work style. 
  • In most cases, using a new ERP software means compromising on productivity during the transition phase. However, with this software, that is not the case, since the user experience is familiar, it allows employees to focus on business instead of learning. 
  • By eliminating the need for intensive training, Microsoft Dynamics AX helps you to get instant results, and hence a faster ROI. 
  • The intuitive interface greatly boosts employee productivity, making it possible to manage multiple tasks through a single window. Organization, prioritization, information access, and other vital roles can be performed in a single go, saving on time and efficiency. 
  • Business intelligence tools like dashboard KPIs, Microsoft Office Excel, Business Analytics, and Performance Point Server make help business owners in making important decisions. 
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX is compatible with preexisting Microsoft programs, which makes it easier for users to incorporate it into their existing systems. 
  • The tools in Microsoft Dynamics AX that are focused on unified communication go a long way in fostering relationships within the organization, as well as outside it, with customers, clients, business partners, etc. 
All in all, Microsoft Dynamics AX stands by its name, indeed emerging as a “dynamic” solution that contributes to your business' bottom line, along with serving as a solution to overcome business challenges at various levels of the organization.

To know more about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, visit McLane Logistics Technology at 4001, Central Pointe Parkway, Temple, TX 76504 or call them at 1-800-989-7568.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Improving Flexibility And Reducing Risk In Supply Chain

Excess inventory, increased net debt, lowering share prices- these are every investor's worst nightmare, and the key to resolving them, in many SMEs, lies in having an effective supply chain management system in place. The significance of such a system to business growth in the dynamic market that exists in the business world cannot be emphasized enough. A single overlooked issue in the supply chain can be catastrophic to the success of your business, and in some cases, can even shake its very foundation. Key goal of supply chain experts remains to improve flexibility and reduce risk, ultimately leading to better performance and higher ROIs.

The principle concern posed by a rigid supply chain is its inability to adapt to the constantly changing market scenario, as well as the fluid legal requirements imposed on supply chains. By improving the flexibility in supply chain, it becomes easier to adhere by the stringent compliance laws, hence eliminating the risk that accompanies a failure to do so. The most efficient way to achieve this increase in flexibility is through a supply chain management system that helps to boost the structural as well as functional parameters of your supply chain, resulting in the mitigation of risks and optimal utilization of human resources.

The first area that needs to be modulated is the structural aspect of the supply chain. The most important consideration here is to ensure that the framework at each stage of the supply chain is designed in a manner that accommodates tentative changes. By ensuring that the supply chain is not constrained in its capacity, product availability is optimized, and the end result is satisfied customers. In the absence of a supply chain management system that actuates this, manufacturers may be forced to remodel their products and suppliers may suffer from product shortages, while distributors can be crippled by transportation and logistics challenges.

Talking of the technological aspects of a supply chain, companies can benefit greatly from web-based solutions which enable real-time updating of data, resulting in a more agile and accessible system. Supply chain management software powered by this seamless data transfer promotes communication at the different levels of the supply chain, resulting in a system that is flexible, responsive, intuitive, and result-oriented. By achieving a high level of structural and functional integrity in the supply chain, business owners can significantly cut down on labor costs, while also eliminating the high risk involved in a manual supply chain.

McLane Logistics Technology provides cost effective software solutions to improve flexibility and reduce risk in supply chain. To learn more about their services, visit them at 4001, Central Pointe Parkway, Temple, TX 76504. They can also be contacted at 1-800-989-7568.