Wednesday 28 November 2012

Reasons For Keeping Inventory

Tracking and securing inventory is a major role that needs to be performed in any enterprise. This is equally valid in case of both unfinished as well as finished goods. A mismanaged unfinished goods inventory is bound to have a negative impact on the supply chain by bringing the manufacturing process to a halt. On the other hand, the unavailability of finished goods can result in customer dissatisfaction, affecting both the company’s goodwill as well as customer loyalty. Similarly, an overstocked inventory also leads to major losses for the business’ bottom line.

Contrary to common perception, companies dealing in the manufacturing and supply of goods are not the only ones that need to keep an inventory. Even service-oriented ones are sure to have some sort of inventory, even if it is for something as basic as office supplies. By keeping an inventory, companies can stock a cache of items, which comes in handy in case of unexpected supply chain hold-ups or any other time lag. This ensures that the business continues to function smoothly under all conditions.

Having a large-volume inventory helps to improve the efficiency of any enterprise significantly, since this is more economically-viable than purchasing single items only when needed. By having a dedicated inventory handling strategy in place, companies can save on both time and money, leading to better work productivity. Such a strategy also ensures business security in spite of unpredictable market conditions. In case of any uncertainties and fluctuations in demand, supply, and other statistics, a well-managed inventory serves as a foolproof back-up plan.

Inventory handling techniques are also needed at times of change-overs or transitional shutdowns, which are inevitable in every business. The buffer stock allows the functionality of the business to remain intact in crises, until normalcy is restored. In addition to this, applying the correct inventory handling strategies also ensures that inventory excess is utilized in the best possible way.

Inventory management systems are designed to automate the complete process of inventory handling, eliminating the need of a dedicated workforce for the purpose. These systems are essentially based on an IT solution, in which industry-specific software can be applied to handle the complete inventory. The user-friendly interface in such software makes it possible for employees at each stage of the supply chain to view the data, which is updated in real time. This leads to streamlined functionality, as well as minimized risk of errors.